
Cafe de la Paix

I went to Cafe de la Paix which is located in Nihondaiodori Station, Yokohama. It is near Yamashita park. You can go to Cafe de la Paix in 4 to 5 minutes from Nihondaiodori Station on the Minatomirai Line. When I went to this place at about 13 o'clock, there were only a few people. This restaurant has 60 seats. Cafe de la Paix's main menu is meat pasta, rice omelet and hamburg steak. 

I chose Spaghetti Neapolitan made in Yokohama  (横濱発祥のスパゲティナポリタン) and cream melon soda. Spaghetti Neapolitan costs 900 yen and cream melon soda costs 680 yen. I paid a total of 1580yen. The taste was so good and the volume was enough. Sometimes I eat Japanese style Naporitan and this Spaghetti Neapolitan taste was different. It was more rich. Cream melon soda was more than I had imagined. I was satisfied. 
Cafe de la Paix
Address: Industry Trade Center 2F, Yamashita-chou 2, Naka-ku, Yokohama city
Access: Nihondaidouri Station (Minatomirai Line). 4 to 5 minutes from station.
Phone: 0456717150
Hours: Every day... 10:00-22:00
Website: http://www.ksg-yamashita.com/




The date the movie came out: 27 September 2013 in Japan, 3 February 2012 in America  

Main actors: Dane DeHann, Alex Russell, Michael B. Jordan, Michael Kelly, Ashley Hinshaw

・The name of the director: Joshua Benjamin (Josh Trank
He’s some other movies by him: The Fantastic Four (2015), Capone (2020)
・His reputation in the film world: He’s the youngest director to top the North American box office ranking by Chronicle.

This story involves 3 people, Andrew Dettmer, Steve Montgomery and Matt Garrity. They each have different personalities. Andrew is the main character. And he has an introverted personality. Steve is popular in school and is an honor student. Matt is Andrew’s cousin. He is stupid and a scatterbrain, and his character is fake. Actually, he is an intellectual. 

Andrew bought an old camera. He used his camera and began taking videos of his life. Matt invited Andrew to the party at Haven Hills. He brought his camera here. But one person teased him. He went out of the party and cried. Then Steve appeared. He asked Andrew, “Can I use your camera?’. Because when he walked with Matt, he found a cool thing. Andrew and Steve headed there. They found a strange thing and touched it. After that, they got a supernatural power.

When I watched it the first time, I was surprised. This movie’s picture looks like a real picture. So, I felt real movie. And the movie uses supernatural power, I want to get this power. Amazing!!!

Cafe de la Paix

I went to  Cafe de la Paix  which is located in Nihondaiodori Station, Yokohama. It is near Yamashita park. You can go to Cafe de la Paix in...